Thursday, May 24, 2012


Dr. Seuss once said “Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.”  I think that those are such strong and wise words and that we should apply them to our lives. I think that everything happens for a reason and I think that Dr. Seuss is implying that whatever happens to us is only going to make us stronger as a person. I also think that people shouldn’t cry or be sad because something ended as he said like a relationship or a movie, a life, etc. That’s just how life is, and the best thing we can do is keep moving forward, because life isn’t going to stop and give you time, it’s going to keep going and maybe even faster than ever. We should be able to use those experiences to learn, or become a stronger person. We should just “Smile because it happened,” because the more life throws at us the more we are able to overcome the obstacles or challenges that are given.
Keep moving forward and “forgive and forget” as my close friend always says, because if you don’t let things g, you’re going to be stuck in the past while everyone just moves right past you.  And I think that that quote really goes well with Dr. Seuss’s quote. Another reason to smile because it happened is because once it happened, it happened! This means there’s no going back and whatever happened you just got it over with! For example, many people cry over there relationships, because the boyfriend/girlfriend cheated or dumped them. But wouldn’t it better that you knew that your partner cheated and that you are no longer with someone you can’t trust? Sure it’ll hurt for a while, but there will always be someone better out there. Just because something happened in the past, doesn’t mean we should dwell on it. We just have to keep our head held high and keep moving forward with a smile on our faces. That way we’ll be unstoppable, and we’ll be able to overcome anything that life throws at us.  And it even takes less muscles to smile than it does to frown(:

Monday, May 21, 2012


 Mahatma Gandhi once said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” I think it is one of the wisest quotes said because in order to make things happen you have to make it happen. I think that many people should apply this quote to their lives because most people usually just wait for something to happen. You can’t just sit around and wait for everything to happen, or else life will keep on moving forward and you’re going to get left behind! You have to get up and take stand and make the difference yourself. Whatever you want is not going to just fall out of the sky.

Instead of wishing for something like the quote says, something should be done. Because wishing for something isn’t going to “make the pain stop, make you rich, or just wishing for a better life.” Action will, whether the pain is physical or mental seeing a professional about it will help, People don’t just become rich overnight, they work for it coming up with ideas, or getting through school first.  Making your life a better life all starts with you.

I’m sure there are many people out there who want to make a difference in life especially since it is advertized on T.V about “saving the planet” or “Feeding children in need” even social networking sites such as facebook, advertises changes by promoting “Like this if you think child abuse is wrong, if kony should be stopped, if she should get help etc.”  I think that people aren’t really paying too much attention to the important issue here, because how exactly is “liking” a picture going to magically stop the child abuse or kony or save the earth or magically help the person in the picture? It’s not, the only way you can actually help or make a difference, is going out there in the real world and trying to put a stop to everything or actually go and pick up trash, recycle, save energy, etc. And I think with our generation it’s hard for people to see what’s really going on out there in the world, since everyone is so involved in their little “technology bubble”. If they maybe turned off their phones, computers, televisions, etc and go outside for a while just like how it used to be done back then, then maybe we’ll be able to truly see what’s going on and be that someone who will make a difference, for we hold the key to our future, and the changes we can make in the world.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


What are we without friends? How much do they really influence our lives in today’s society?  A Spanish proverb once said “Life without a friend is death without a witness.” Wow death without a witness is pretty extreme, because when you think about it. Just imagine yourself dying without anyone knowing at all, that would just be so sad and lonely, it just gave me the shivers just thinking about it!  I think that friends keep us company, and without them life would be very lonely. I honestly don’t know what I would do without them, I can’t even begin to imagine! For most people I think friends keep them sane, because who else would they tell all their secrets too, or who would make them laugh and so forth.

Friends come in all shapes and sizes, as in there’s always that one friend you can trust, be serious with, go crazy, or who’s just plain silly. There are all sorts of types of friends out there, and you can’t help but love each and every one of them!  I like how everyone -well at least most people in some cases-  just fits with the group of friends they are with, they are compatible, but I guess that’s what makes them friends in the first place.

It would be just pure madness if I lived in a world without any friends! Everything would just be so empty, lonely, sad, boring, and so much more if it was like that! I for one am very thankful for the friends I have, and appreciate everything we’ve done or been through together.  We live in a world where friends help us and in a way make us who we are. I’m pretty sure most people have friends, it doesn’t matter who, what age, gender, etc. There’s always someone out there who you can consider your friend.  If there are people who truly are friendless, and have no one, absolutely no one at all, then I feel bad for them, but they should know that there will always be someone out there willing to be their friend, they just have to look and put in some effort themselves and meet them halfway.

Friends, you can’t live with them, and apparently you can’t live without them. Hopefully everybody has at least one witness during their death and that they can have that one person whom they can count as their friend.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


An old proverb once said “Patience is a bitter plant that bears sweet fruit.”  And I think that the proverb was absolutely right, because for many of us patience is tough and it’s not easy.  Patience can only be described as waiting or being able to suppress restlessness or annoyance when being confronted. For example a teacher might need the patience to teach his/her students and it might be rough in the beginning because the students might either not want to learn or the teacher doesn't know how to get through to the students. The teacher probably feels frustrated or annoyed at that time and feels like giving up, but if the teacher just gives up they failed their job as a teacher, the student won’t learn or succeed and that would be considered the bitterness of the plant.  But by the end of the year when the students are graduating or moving on, I’m sure the teacher feels happy or accomplished that the students were able to pass the class, and that he/she did their job right. The teacher might even feel relieved by the end of the year, but with that in mind, that is the sweet fruit in the end.

I understand that it is hard to be patient these days with so much going on in the world.  Many of us have to dig down deep to find the patients to keep going on. But no matter what we can’t give in or give up or else “the bitter plant” would have been “planted” for nothing and now all you have is well “the bitter plant” doing nothing but spreading its bitterness everywhere like a disease.

I think that is why people associate that quote with the quote “patience is key” (anonymous). Once you have the key you will be able to unlock new doors in your life. I think that patience is a gift, not everyone has it, or it could even be considered as a virtue. I believe that the more bitter the plant is the sweeter the fruit gets,  “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”(Greg Anderson). We should use that as an opportunity to grow stronger, not just physically but mentally. Patience is not an easy thing, but once you practice it, it becomes less difficult to do but I also think that as we grow older we begin to learn more about it.