Monday, May 21, 2012


 Mahatma Gandhi once said “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” I think it is one of the wisest quotes said because in order to make things happen you have to make it happen. I think that many people should apply this quote to their lives because most people usually just wait for something to happen. You can’t just sit around and wait for everything to happen, or else life will keep on moving forward and you’re going to get left behind! You have to get up and take stand and make the difference yourself. Whatever you want is not going to just fall out of the sky.

Instead of wishing for something like the quote says, something should be done. Because wishing for something isn’t going to “make the pain stop, make you rich, or just wishing for a better life.” Action will, whether the pain is physical or mental seeing a professional about it will help, People don’t just become rich overnight, they work for it coming up with ideas, or getting through school first.  Making your life a better life all starts with you.

I’m sure there are many people out there who want to make a difference in life especially since it is advertized on T.V about “saving the planet” or “Feeding children in need” even social networking sites such as facebook, advertises changes by promoting “Like this if you think child abuse is wrong, if kony should be stopped, if she should get help etc.”  I think that people aren’t really paying too much attention to the important issue here, because how exactly is “liking” a picture going to magically stop the child abuse or kony or save the earth or magically help the person in the picture? It’s not, the only way you can actually help or make a difference, is going out there in the real world and trying to put a stop to everything or actually go and pick up trash, recycle, save energy, etc. And I think with our generation it’s hard for people to see what’s really going on out there in the world, since everyone is so involved in their little “technology bubble”. If they maybe turned off their phones, computers, televisions, etc and go outside for a while just like how it used to be done back then, then maybe we’ll be able to truly see what’s going on and be that someone who will make a difference, for we hold the key to our future, and the changes we can make in the world.


  1. Wow! That was an amazing post. You’re so right about people not taking initiative and just living in their own “technology bubble”. And what’s even worse is they complain when things don’t go their way even though they didn’t take action to make it happen. People need to get off the couch and instead of (as you put it) “Liking” a picture they need to go out and actually do what they want done. I enjoyed your post and I will try to live by your advice here on out.

  2. I agree with this quote all the way. It is a quote that most of society can't grasp. This is true that social netwroking has caused people to I guess you can say naive. I like how you said that "liking" a picture on facebook is not ging to help the situation. People need to open their eyes and see the bigger picture. Take true action in the issue not just "like" a picture.

  3. Perfect for a motivational speech! And I am not being sarcastic. This seriously brings up important issues in life when you kind of expect amazing things to happen to you but not do anything to provoke the fact. I agree with you that no one can ever get anything done unless you ignite the flame and actually do something. Nothing in the world is ever going to come freely, anything and everything happens for a reason and nothing will ever just appear.

  4. I am a huge fan of this quote, there is something so simple, yet so powerful about it. The command to be the change, and the incentive of whatever you want to see in the world. It really applies to everyone. You are absolutely right about how people are stuck in their own bubbles, expecting things to happen on their own. As time progresses, it seems that society does the opposite. I hope posts like this will remind people to take action for the better. Great post. Couldn't have said it better myself!

  5. This was a great post. I wrote about the same thing recently. I really do think that people chose to stay in their own little world oblivious to everything because they do not want to face reality because in reality, you have to be motivated to get somewhere. People do always talk about change, but very few ever do anything about it.

  6. Indeed, "in order to make things happen you have to make it happen," but most people don't realize this. Your insight on this is realistic. Most people feel that they can get what they want by just living, but they have to pursue their goals. I loved you facebook example and it really does "hit" people, in a figurative sense, because it makes them realize...they're not really doing anything.
