Tuesday, May 1, 2012


An old proverb once said “Patience is a bitter plant that bears sweet fruit.”  And I think that the proverb was absolutely right, because for many of us patience is tough and it’s not easy.  Patience can only be described as waiting or being able to suppress restlessness or annoyance when being confronted. For example a teacher might need the patience to teach his/her students and it might be rough in the beginning because the students might either not want to learn or the teacher doesn't know how to get through to the students. The teacher probably feels frustrated or annoyed at that time and feels like giving up, but if the teacher just gives up they failed their job as a teacher, the student won’t learn or succeed and that would be considered the bitterness of the plant.  But by the end of the year when the students are graduating or moving on, I’m sure the teacher feels happy or accomplished that the students were able to pass the class, and that he/she did their job right. The teacher might even feel relieved by the end of the year, but with that in mind, that is the sweet fruit in the end.

I understand that it is hard to be patient these days with so much going on in the world.  Many of us have to dig down deep to find the patients to keep going on. But no matter what we can’t give in or give up or else “the bitter plant” would have been “planted” for nothing and now all you have is well “the bitter plant” doing nothing but spreading its bitterness everywhere like a disease.

I think that is why people associate that quote with the quote “patience is key” (anonymous). Once you have the key you will be able to unlock new doors in your life. I think that patience is a gift, not everyone has it, or it could even be considered as a virtue. I believe that the more bitter the plant is the sweeter the fruit gets,  “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey”(Greg Anderson). We should use that as an opportunity to grow stronger, not just physically but mentally. Patience is not an easy thing, but once you practice it, it becomes less difficult to do but I also think that as we grow older we begin to learn more about it.


  1. I like you reference to the situation of a teacher and a student, but I feel it could be a little more in depth so that it evokes a better sense of supporting your main point. I like the contrast of frustration during the school year with the student and how towards the, "end of the year, with that in mind, that is the sweet fruit in the end." because the teacher and student both feel a sense of relief or joy. A very sweet post about patience being bittersweet.

  2. I completely agree with your quote patience is key. I know i hate being patient and i want everything right there and then. Its not good to be like that being patient can bring good things in life and maybe it would be even better if you wait for it. My mom always tells me better things come to the people that are patient.Anyways love your post, cant wait to see the next one.

  3. You are right not everyone has patience. But if you do have patience it truly is a gift. I know for a fact being patient is difficult. Waiting is hard especially if it's for something you are really excited about. In addition, patience does hold the key to many doors. Although waiting can be stressful and tiring what comes out in the end is something worth waiting for. Overall, your post is very relatable and interesting to read.

  4. I liked your response. :) It was a very truthful message to some people out there who think they are "too fast" for the slow lane. No one should ever be too fast because it eats away at what you could be missing out on. Patience is indeed worth it in the end due to whatever rewards one can receive. Whether those rewards be knowledge or a physical prize or even a newly found friendship, anything is worth the wait. So why not slow down your life and enjoy it for once?

  5. Patience is a very hard trait to come by in a person nowadays, especially with our fast paced world. Even with the “sweet fruit” in mind, waiting for something that can only take a minute can feel like a lifetime. I like your example with the teacher, because I am sure many people can relate to it, and not just the teacher, but the students as well. In the end patience teaches us the value of time and while it may be a hard thing to do, it is the only thing we can do instead of looking at the clock every 10 seconds and giving up. Anyways, nice post on a good topic.

  6. Nice interpretation to what the virtue of pacience is and what it causes and the importance of it. Its is true not everybody carries patience within them it is just something many wish to have but many dont have.. But though many dont have it naturally, your right, it can be practiced and become more easily controlled to those who dont have it.

  7. I love how you describe why friends are so important because i comletely agree with you.I love my friends and i thank god everyday for bringing them into my life because without them where would i be? I think friends have a way of helping you develop and make us who we are today. Well great post and cant wait to read the next one.

  8. To have patience is a difficult thing to do. I agree with you and support your idea. it is a very truthful response. You could've gone in depth about the whole teacher student sitauation to support you idea but other than that,its close to perfect.
