Thursday, May 10, 2012


What are we without friends? How much do they really influence our lives in today’s society?  A Spanish proverb once said “Life without a friend is death without a witness.” Wow death without a witness is pretty extreme, because when you think about it. Just imagine yourself dying without anyone knowing at all, that would just be so sad and lonely, it just gave me the shivers just thinking about it!  I think that friends keep us company, and without them life would be very lonely. I honestly don’t know what I would do without them, I can’t even begin to imagine! For most people I think friends keep them sane, because who else would they tell all their secrets too, or who would make them laugh and so forth.

Friends come in all shapes and sizes, as in there’s always that one friend you can trust, be serious with, go crazy, or who’s just plain silly. There are all sorts of types of friends out there, and you can’t help but love each and every one of them!  I like how everyone -well at least most people in some cases-  just fits with the group of friends they are with, they are compatible, but I guess that’s what makes them friends in the first place.

It would be just pure madness if I lived in a world without any friends! Everything would just be so empty, lonely, sad, boring, and so much more if it was like that! I for one am very thankful for the friends I have, and appreciate everything we’ve done or been through together.  We live in a world where friends help us and in a way make us who we are. I’m pretty sure most people have friends, it doesn’t matter who, what age, gender, etc. There’s always someone out there who you can consider your friend.  If there are people who truly are friendless, and have no one, absolutely no one at all, then I feel bad for them, but they should know that there will always be someone out there willing to be their friend, they just have to look and put in some effort themselves and meet them halfway.

Friends, you can’t live with them, and apparently you can’t live without them. Hopefully everybody has at least one witness during their death and that they can have that one person whom they can count as their friend.


  1. Funny thing, I actually wrote my post on friends as well. ^^
    I completely agree with you that we would not really be anywhere without friends. In fact, no one would be. Everyone always needs that one friend no matter who it is to be there for them and give them absolute support along the way for any situation. If anyone ever kept all their emotions bottled up inside it would make the absolute worst of them and I am pretty sure no one would ever want that.
    So yes, great post! It gave me more insight on friendship.

  2. I completely agree with you. Everyone needs friends in their lives. Friends are what keep you in truth sane and they know just how to make you laugh, cry, and smile. Good friends will be there through anything. Just thinking about a life without friends makes me sad and well shiver like you said. If there truly is someone out there in the world without at least one friend, I feel so bad for them. There is someone else in the world who is willing to be their friend. I love my friends and I honestly don't know what I'd do without them.

  3. I agree with this in many ways! Its true! I dont want to go to school thinking i wont say hi to nobody, having no hugs, smiles! it would be lonely day in school, worse in life if i had no friends whatsoever. I think its important to be involved with freinds that influence you positively, friends that can help you on a math problem, of problems in life that maybe family can not fix. Because at the end of the day some friends become as close as family members!

  4. Your blog is so true! I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have someone to vent to about my problems. We aren’t perfect so it’s always good to have friends that catch us when we fall down. They aren’t necessary in life, but you can always count on them to give us advice and be “witnesses to our death.” Overall, it was a very nice post that gave a lot of insight to friendship.

  5. As humans, we need that special person who we can run to and vent our problems too. If we didnt have any friends, I personally would lose my sanity haha. I agree wit you oe hundred percent! We need friends to keep us from falling and give us advice on how we should solve our problems. And like you said "It would be just pure madness if I lived in a world without any friends!"
